Eighteen members of the faculty and staff retired during the 2022-23 academic year and were celebrated at the Spring Appreciation event. They have a combined total of 455 years. Honored retirees include:

Dr. Daniel Anderson, Healthcare Leadership, 30 years

Mary Anderson, Library, 18 years

Joanne Barfknecht, CLV Human Resources, 15 years

Theresa Borchert, Library, 34 years

Perry Bushaw, Facilities Management, 20 years

Dr. Cindy Carver, Communication Studies, 37 years

Dr. Jonathan Clark, World Languages and Cultures, 29 years

Virginia Connell, Library, 14 years

Anne Craft, Center for Student Success, 10 years

Dr. William Craft, President, 12 years

Dr. Nicholas Ellig, Sociology, 41 years

Dr. David P. Eyler, Music, 36 years

Sara Gjesdahl, Public Safety, 16 years

David Hamilton, Music, 29 years

Dr. Joy Lintelman, History, 34 years

Shanda Schmidt, Academic Affairs, 23 years

Dr. Fred Sternhagen, Communication Studies, 41 years

Janet Zaeske, Dining Services, 16 years

You can read about each retiree .

Unable to attend the event (l-r): Joanne Barfknecht, Nicholas Ellig, Jonathan Clark, Sara Gjesdahl