Center for Student Success tutors provide content tutoring in a variety of subject areas and help students find effective study strategies for specific academic programs. Tutors are recommended by faculty members and complete a thorough training program to make sure they are well prepared to assist students. Small group and walk-in opportunities are available and it’s FREE!
Even if we don’t provide tutoring for a class you would like assistance in, professional staff members are on hand to teach you new learning strategies.
What Cobbers say about tutoring:
- I really enjoyed knowing I had someone to turn to with questions.
- I really benefited from having someone slow down with me and explain each step in depth.
- My tutor was always very open to questions and you never felt like she didn't care.
- I enjoyed being able to test my understanding of a subject based on if I could “teach” the others in my tutoring group.
- My tutor read our research paper multiple times and gave us effective tips in improving it.
- I liked the atmosphere of tutoring. We could discuss ideas that were confusing, ask questions on homework, and try and explain concepts on our own. All of which really helped me grasp the material better.